Understanding What to Take and What Not To after Surgery
Post-Surgery Dilemma
Most of us will likely be at a loss after surgery, overwhelmed with different theories on what's good and what's not post-surgery.
Welcome to Tily's Post-Surgery special! We recommend the best ingredients that will help you during this crucial recovery period.
Let's dive right in!
A Common Saying
"No heaty foods after surgery!" and "Stay away from chicken and seafood after surgery!" These are amongst the most common advice that we receive post surgery. Most of us will then face the dilemma of whether to heed popular advice or cave in to our cravings. Let us break down 'heaty foods' for you. This term is often used generously but what exactly are 'heaty foods'?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), food is broadly categorised into 3 groups - 'Heaty', 'Cooling' and 'Neutral'. They are categorised based on how these foods react with our bodies. 'Heaty' foods tend to generate more warmth in our body, while others are more cooling in nature. Some commonly known heaty foods are durian, jackfruit, spicy dishes and red meat etc.
On the other hand, 'Cooling' foods, innately 'cool' - produces less warmth in our bodies upon consumption. These foods are taken to counteract the 'heatiness' in our bodies, returning our bodies to an equilibrium. Some commonly known 'Cooling' foods are pork, lotus, watercress, green bean soup, spinach, pear etc.
'Neutral' foods, are foods that do not fall into the above-mentioned broad categories of 'heaty' and 'cooling' - they are foods that do not have warming or cooling effects on the body. Example of these foods include, staple food like rice, sweet potato, chicken, eggs, apples and strawberries etc.
To put things into perspective, our health is optimal when it is at an equilibrium - the consumption of a variety of foods is to achieve this optimum balance.
Staying away from heaty food post-surgery is to allow the body to quickly recuperate and recover. Taking in too much heaty food, it may affect wound healing as heaty food tends to promote blood circulation. When wounds heal, the aim is to let the wound mellow and "dry" up. Having an over active supply of blood to the wound may impede this process.
The Best Steep
Blends that help you RECOVER WELL
Now, that we understand the key reason behind these common sayings, how do we incorporate this knowledge into making optimal food choices post-surgery?
What you eat during the days and weeks following surgery can determine how quickly you heal and how well you feel during recovery. It is important to choose our foods wisely to ensure that our body is well-taken care of to speed-up recovery.
To boost recovery, we want ingredients that do not over-stimulate blood circulation, as over-stimulated blood circulation may hinder recovery. Hence, staying away from ingredients that are over-stimulatory in nature are better for recovering bodies.
Perfect Pairing
Post-surgery, some might experience stomach upset or inflammation.
Perfect Pairing contains Jasmine Blossoms and Bergamot Peel which are packed with healing properties to help ease intestinal inflammation. Mulberry Leaves and Bergamot Peel are also known to have anti-viral properties which may help to fight against bacteria or viruses that may attempt to attack the weakened immune system during recovery.
Furthermore, Perfect Pairing does not contain any ingredients that may interact with blood thinning drugs, hence, it is deemed the safest and most suitable blend to enjoy right after surgery.
Rest and recover well with this cooling blend!
Deep Cleanse
For tea lovers that feel constipated after surgery, Deep Cleanse may help to relieve such symptoms and help cope with the lack of appetite. Burdock Root and Red Dates are key ingredients that will have detoxifying effects on the body.
The carefully selected florals in this blend, especially Peach Flower, is known for its wound healing and immunity boosting properties that can help with surgery recovery.
Rejuvenate and cleanse with this deeply nourishing blend!
Take this blend in moderation due to its potential laxative effects.
Morning Shine
Post-surgery, we often experience physical weakness and fatigue as the body’s immune system kicks in to help fight against bacteria or virus, draining significant amounts of energy leading up to physical weakness.
The key to managing physical weakness is to strengthen our body's immunity. With a robust immune system, our body has sufficient energy to prevent us from an overdrive.
Morning Shine contains the invigorating, all-immunising American Ginseng that help boost the immune system. Together with Osmanthus, they help to promote the brain’s cognitive function, balance chemical signals and counter the stresses in the brain.
Refresh and revitalise with this golden blend that infuses the goodness of these defense superstars!
However, it is good to note that Osmanthus, while good, may have slight blood thinning effects so may not be advised to be over consumed if prescribed blood thinning/anticoagulant medication such as Warfarin and Coumarin. Keep consumption to 1-2 tea bags a day!
Through The Day
As mentioned earlier, post-surgery, we often experience physical weakness and fatigue.
Through the Day is a great immunity booster with key ingredients such as Astragalus and Codonopsis which are rich in flavonoids that helps to ease inflammations and speed up the healing process. These flavonoids fight off bacteria, viruses and other harmful foreign invaders, helping to protect against wound infection.
Marigold is known to increase collagen production which is necessary for new skin cell formation, speeding up the wound healing process.
Furthermore, Astragalus, Goji Berries and Marigold also help to increase blood flow to the wound site, providing the essential nutrients and oxygen for quicker tissue regeneration.
However, it is good to note that Astragalus and Goji Berries, while good, may interact with and promote the effects of blood thinning/anticoagulant medication (eg: Warfarin and Coumarin), which may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding after surgery.
Hence, it is recommended to consume Through The Day after completion of the medication course or at least 2 weeks after the surgery, to enjoy the maximum benefits.
Evening Calm
To recover fast and well, rest is paramount. It is vital for us to have sufficient rest post-surgery as the body requires time to heal and regenerate new tissue.
Evening Calm can help to relieve anxiety and soothe nerves, allowing the body to have sufficient and quality rest. Apart from sleep-inducing properties, wound management is another key benefit of Evening Calm. Chamomile has strong anti-inflammatory properties and wound-healing effects through wound contraction which helps to quicken wound recovery.
However, it is good to note that Chamomile, while good, may interact and promote the effects of blood thinning/anticoagulant medication (eg: Warfarin and Coumarin), which may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding after surgery. It may also affect the effects of anaesthetic drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Naproxen.
Hence, it is recommended to consume Evening Calm after completion of the medication course or at least 2 weeks after the surgery, to enjoy the maximum benefits.
Radiant Glow
Post-Surgery, it is important for wound site to heal quickly and also, constipation may be an issue that many struggle with. Hence, Radiant Glow can be a good digestive support while helping with wound recovery.
Pandan Leaves and Red Dates help as a mild laxative to relieve constipation while, Yarrow Flowers aid in relieving symptoms of stomach cramps and inflammation.
Additionally, Yarrow Flowers are known for its ability to increase fibroblast cells, which are responsible for regenerating connective tissues and help to speed up wound recovery.
However, it is good to note that Red Clover and Yarrow Flowers, while good, may interact and promote the effects of blood thinning/anticoagulant medication (eg: Warfarin and Coumarin), which may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding after surgery.
Hence, it is recommended to consume Radiant Glow after completion of the medication course or at least 2 weeks after the surgery, to enjoy the maximum benefits.
Dealing with the Post-Surgery Dilemma
Infusing wellness into your daily routines with all natural herbs and florals, our blends are curated with you in mind. We are well aware of the dilemma that many of us experience when we're faced with having to decide between following traditional knowledge or caving into our cravings.
Explore our range of teas that bring will speed up your recovery process while promoting good health and tradition 🥰