How to Brew a Little Taste of History
1. Boil a cup of water.
2. Infuse with a teaspoon of myth and stir thoroughly. For the skeptics, feel free to temper the taste with a healthy dose of modern research.
3. Steep from 2737 BC to present. Be warned, oversteeping can lead to a bitter cup so do watch the time.
4. Prepare your teapot and cups. Preferably, begin with China, although many have argued that Japanese and Indian teapots work equally well.
5. Ingest approximately 72 poisonous plants before drinking tea, in order to best experience its abundance of medicinal properties.
6. Sit back, relax and enjoy your cup of tea.
If you were genuinely looking for the best way to brew tea, I apologise if you’re disappointed - rest assured, that’s a piece for another day. But if you’re a tea lover like us and have wondered where Tea came from, here is a fun little snippet into Tea's origins (one of many historical versions we are sure), how it has has traversed space and time, finally settling at the base of our daily cuppas.
Despite every ‘Tea and crumpets?’ we might have enthused in a cheeky British accent, tea was actually discovered by accident in 2737 BC, China. Emperor Shen Nong, a venerated ruler and deity, was said to have tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medicinal value, risking his life to document their effects and properties. One fateful day, he managed to poison himself 72 times. Before he could keel over and die, however, a leaf from an overhanging wild tea tree drifted into his cup of boiling water (which we will assume he was inexplicably holding this entire time). Upon tasting a sip of the brew, the poison was purged from his system, sparing the emperor from an untimely death. Or so says an ancient Chinese legend, that is.
Although we can’t claim that tea is the antidote for all deadly toxins, a soothing, antioxidant-rich cup of tea might just be the antidote for any hectic day at work.
So if you ever feel like having your own little taste of history, TILY Tea is happy to present you our range of herbal teas made of all-natural, locally packaged ingredients, carefully handcrafted to get you through any part of the day.