The Berry Power
Known to be one of the most powerful berries, mulberries are power-packed with essential vitamins and minerals to give our bodies the much needed power boost! Mulberries are naturally sweet fruits and have one of the most unique flavours! They are high in antioxidants and are also known to be superb regulators of blood sugars.
These delicious berries are sure to be your perfect companion during meals so that you can indulge in all the gastronomical pleasures you crave without worry! Read on to find out more about how we use these berries in our blends to reap maximum benefits!
Let's dive right in!
Did you know?
Both the fruit and the leaves of the mulberry plant can be used in tea infusions? Hailing from the same plant but with slightly different health properties, this section will deep dive into both mulberries and mulberry leaves to identify their common health properties and what they are known for on their own.
Mulberries are traditionally known as a powerful fruit that has been widely used in Chinese Medicine for their health properties. Both the fruits and leaves are widely known to be excellent sources of antioxidants and nutrients.
Mulberries, also known as 桑葚, are a good source of iron and vitamin C. They are also known to be contain high amounts of antioxidants and plant components which may help inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and prevent heart diseases. Mulberries are also known to contain compounds that may be beneficial in managing blood sugar levels.
Mulberry leaves, also known as 桑叶, has been used for millennia in TCM as part of preventive treatment regimes to manage blood sugars and inflammations. Some research suggests that mulberry leaves helps to combat inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are linked to chronic diseases. Mulberry leaves are also know to have anti-bacterial properties. They reduce the amount of bacteria and acidity in saliva that contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel. The antimicrobial effects of mulberry leaf extract may aid in the prevention of dental issues caused by Streptococcus mutans (a significant contributor to tooth decay).
Let's find out what the common benefits are of both mulberries and mulberry leaves!
The Benefits

Anti-Inflammatory & Lowers Cholesterol
Both mulberry and mulberry leaves are high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant pigments such as anthocyanins that prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and thus, minimising the possibility of plaque build-up. Plaque build-up may cause arteries to narrow, blocking blood flow. Hence, both mulberries and mulberry leaves help to promote good heart health and prevent chronic diseases.
Goodbye cholesterol woes! 👋🏻
Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
Mulberries and mulberry leaves contain the compound 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), which inhibits an enzyme in your gut that breaks down carbohydrates, limiting the breakdown of sugars. Hence, both its fruit and leaves helps to slow down the increase in blood sugar levels after meals.
Now, you may go forth and indulge in sugary and sweet treats!
Hello desserts and treats! 👋🏻