Morning Shine

  • Ingredients

    American Ginseng, Ginger, Red Dates, Osmanthus and Forget-Me-Not

  • Taste

    Sweet, Spicy

  • Characteristics

    Mildly Warm

About the Blend

Start your day bright eyed and bushy tailed with Morning Shine.

American Ginseng, a natural cognitive stimulant, helps power the brain with greater concentration. The brain is directed with signals and Ginseng stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, which supports the memory function for better learning.

Ginger and Red Dates help to kickstart the digestive system. Red dates facilitate the blood flow in the stomach, thereby providing it with the necessary nourishment to support its function in breaking food down. Thereafter, ginger helps to stimulate the gut (stomach + intestines) to move the food along the digestive tract for optimum absorption and conversion into energy.

Together, the trio above assist in providing the body with mental and physical energy for the day!

The human body undergoes the process of natural oxidation in the following circumstances:

(i) During the conversion of glucose from our food into functional energy
(ii) When there is an infection, and immune cells break down the bacteria and virus; and
(iii) Processing of toxins in the liver.

This oxidation process produces by-products called free radicals which damage cell membranes over time, resulting in ageing, heart disease and a host of other diseases. Antioxidants neutralise the damaging free radicals, thereby protecting the skin and hair cells. The flowers in Morning Shine, Forget-me-not and Osmanthus, are rich in antioxidants, helping you face the world looking and feeling your best.

Ingredient Encyclopedia

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Morning Shine
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Rp 226.000,00
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Rp 226.000,00
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Morning Shine - 25 Bag ECO Pack
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Rp 478.000,00
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Rp 478.000,00

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Can Morning Shine be taken with Coffee?

American Ginseng gives this tea animmunostimulatoryproperty (to boost the immune system) and helps to improve blood circulation and cardiac health.

However, caffeine in coffee has also been seen to increase the heart rate, and may amplify ginseng’s effects and to instead, have an adverse impact on health.

Morning Shine may be a good replacement for coffee to provide one with a fresh and vibrant start to the day by boosting the brain's working memory function and concentration levels.

Is Morning Shine suitable for pregnant ladies?

Morning Shine contains ingredients that you should avoid taking in large amounts during pregnancy. Osmanthus invigorates the blood and might stimulate the uterus upon over-consumption, possibly leading to early contractions. And while American Ginseng is recommended for expectant mothers who experience nausea, fatigue or lack of appetite, it is advised that consumption is kept to a small amount. Hence, we would recommend expectant mothers to limit consumption to 1-2 teabags a day.

More suitable blends would be Evening Calm and Perfect Pairing.

Is Morning Shine suitable for breastfeeding mothers?

Morning Shine may be taken by breastfeeding mothers when taken in moderate amounts. We would recommend breastfeeding mothers to limit consumption to 1-2 teabags a day as the tea blend is stimulatory in nature and effects can be passed on to babies feeding on breastmilk.

Is Morning Shine suitable for surgery recovery?

Osmanthus invigorates the blood and might possibly slow down the healing of wounds. Hence, we would recommend those who are recovering from surgery to limit consumption to 1 teabag a day.

What is the recommended consumption for Morning Shine?

Have a cup of Morning Shine each morning to give yourself a boost of mental and physical energy to kickstart your day. You may also enjoy this blend with honey or sweetener of choice, to balance the taste of the root herbs in the tea.

Each teabag requires 5-8 minutes of steeping time for a good amount of infusion, and may be refilled 2 to 3 times.