By Eve Teo, Psychotherapist
The Psychology Practice x TILY TEA
Raising Happy and Mentally Healthy Children
Begin practicing these 6 methods with your child early,
frequently and consistently.
1. Build Connection
Show empathy towards their feelings and experiences.
Help them find words to describe their emotions and validate their experiences.
Show that it matters to you how they feel.
2. Discover Sense of Self
Embrace individuality and celebrate differences - in a world that often requires us to be the same for a functional purpose.
Help children understand that everyone is unique in their own way, and that differences should be appreciated and respected.
3. Creativity and Curiosity Through Play
A large part of play involves problem solving and to problem-solve we need creativity. Creativity and curiosity go hand in hand with critical thinking.
Children who are encouraged to explore and question are more
likely to develop strong critical thinking skills.
4. Respect
Treat our children with the same respect and considerations we offer to adults in our lives. Children model after the adults in their lives, there is no better way to teach respect than to treat them with respect.
5. Sense of Belonging
Encourage participation and contribution. Involve children in decision-making and encourage them to participate in family, school and community activities.
It provides children opportunities to take on responsibilities and leadership roles. When children feel heard and their contributions valued, it helps them develop a sense of ownership, connectedness and a sense of purpose and belonging.
This sense of belonging provides them with a strong support system and confidence to navigate complexities of relationships and social dynamics.
6. Sense of Security
Being a consistent, supportive and patient presence in their lives.
Children are meant to make mistakes; it is part of the growing process.
Show them that making mistakes are part of life and does not change
how we would continue to love them.
Parenting that makes a difference.
As parents, we play a critical role in shaping our children’s physical, mental and emotional health. By providing our children with a nurturing and supportive environment, we help them develop the values and skills they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives. It also contributes to the well being of society as a whole.