A Restful Evening with Lavender & Chamomile

A Restful Evening with Lavender & Chamomile

The Beauty of Sleep 

Have you ever woken up feeling like you haven't slept a wink? That is when your body has yet to experience good quality sleep the previous night. Sleep is inherently crucial to our bodies. In fact, getting enough sleep is essential to help us perform at our optimum and ensure our overall wellbeing. Hence, it is important for us to consume foods that help to promote good rest and sleep.

Rest and rewind by brewing a cuppa Tily Tea in the evening and enjoy before your bedtime!

Did you know?

Chamomile and lavender flowers are widely known for their calming properties. The aroma of these florals exhibit calming properties that help to improve sleep quality. When used together, these restorative flowers help promote good sleep quality and provide gastrointestinal protection.

Let's dive right in and find out what benefits these florals have when infused in tea blends!


The Benefits


Promote Good Sleep

Restorative deep sleep is paramount to your overall well-being. When our body rests, cells repair themselves, and your body reverses the damages it has been put through during the day. This prevents premature ageing and allows your body to reset the stresses of the day.
Lavender helps to promote sleep by stimulating the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptor to send signals to the brain prompting the body to relax.
Chamomile is rich in antioxidants called Apigenin that act as a sedative to promote sleep and reduce anxiety.
Together, these powerful flowers promote deeper and better quality sleep to allow the body to recharge overnight and wake up re-renergized the next day!


Promote Good Gut Health

These 2 powerful flowers have health properties to help support gut health. Chamomiles are powerful flowers that can help manage inflammations and relieve muscle spasms in the gut.

Lavenders are rich in antioxidants called Polyphenols that helps to reduce bad bacteria growth in the gut and relieves bloating. Lavender also helps to relieve pain such as menstrual cramps through aromatherapeutic effects.

Healthy you begins with a good gut!



Rest & Rejuvenate with TILY TEA

Seeking respite after a long day? Start by infusing Lavender and Chamomile into your daily evening cuppa! Allow your body to properly rest and rewind in the evening and wake up re-energised the next day! 

Enjoy a restful evening the TILY way!